Financial and Managerial

Financial & Managerial Accounting for Decision Makers

footnotes and disclosures

Target Audience

Financial & Managerial Accounting for Decision Makers is intended for use in an introductory accounting course that combines financial and managerial accounting concepts, at either the undergraduate or graduate level; one that balances the preparation of accounting information with its analysis. This book accommodates mini-courses lasting only a few days as well as extended courses lasting a full semester.

This book is real-world oriented and focuses on the most salient aspects of analysis It teaches students how to read, analyze, and interpret accounting data to make informed business decisions. To that end, it consistently incorporates real company data, both in the body of each chapter and throughout the assignment material.

Real Data Incorporated Throughout

assignmentsToday’s business students must be skilled in using real data to make business decisions. We feel strongly that the more exposure students get to real accounting information, the more comfortable they become using that information to make business decisions. We expose students to the analysis and interpretation of real company data and nonfinancial disclosures through the use of focus companies in each chapter, the generous incorporation of footnotes, financial analysis, and an abundance of assignments that draw on real company data and disclosures.

Focus Companies for Each Chapter

three step processEach chapter’s content is explained through the accounting and reporting activities of real companies. Each chapter incorporates a "focus company" for special emphasis and demonstration. The enhanced instructional value of focus companies comes from the way they engage students in real analysis and interpretation. Focus companies were selected based on student appeal and the diversity of industries.


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