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Financial Accounting Outsourcing services

Rose Financial Services has defined the Finance and Accounting Outsourcing Industry

Outsourcing Accounting Services gives companies access to a fully trained and staffed off-site or on-site accounting department utilizing an accounting system maintained and operated by Rose Financial Services®.

Our finance and accounting outsourcing services have been described by our clients as:

value-added cost-effective high quality responsive

Why? Because of our distinct client service which includes:

  • Custom designed accounting system based on an in-depth "Needs Analysis". Initial meeting with our set-up team reviews all current accounting systems and practices.
  • Services provided by experienced accounting professionals. All RFS professional staff are CPAs or on a CPA career track.
  • Access to an entire accounting department from accounts payable staff to controller to CFO. Pay for only the types of services you need, performed by an appropriate level of staff.
  • Maintenance of integrated accounting system. RFS guarantees that accounting systems maintained behind its firewall are always backed up and secured.
  • Assistance in preparing for internal and external audits. Our staff knows your accounting systems and can efficiently work with auditors to get the information they need.
  • Assistance with obtaining financing. Through our clients, we have relationships with many banks and know how to present the information they’re seeking.
  • Assistance in establishing relationships with key vendors. By functioning as your accounting department, we represent your company at your comfort level.
  • Cost effectiveness as a result of automation, utilization and experience. Our time-tested PRICE™ methodology – Processing, Reporting, Internal Controls, Economies of scale – saves money and adds value.

Accounting Services Market Before Rose Financial Services®

Rose Financial Services® Position In Accounting Services Market

Quality = Experience, comprehensive services, information value, responsiveness, internal controls, confidentiality, and cost effectiveness.

Our comprehensive accounting services produce tangible benefits for our clients:

  • Allowing companies to focus on core competencies: By having an outside provider assume support service activities an organization can accelerate its growth and success through expanded investment in areas offering the greatest competitive advantage.
Accounting Outsourcing Service
Accounting Outsourcing Service
Financial and Accounting Outsourcing Services in USA
Financial and Accounting Outsourcing Services in USA
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