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Financial Accountability and Management

Financial Accountability and Management (FAM) is a leading international academic journal, publishing new thinking and research in the financial accountability, accounting, and financial and resource management of all types of governmental and other non-profit organisations and services.

Interdisciplinary in approach, the journal includes contributions from economics, political science, social and public administration, and management sciences, as well as accounting and finance.

Assistant Editor

Yvonne Crichton
Email: Yvonne.Crichton@ed.ac.uk
Telephone: +44(0)131 650 8342

Aims and Scope

Financial Accountability and Management (FAM) aims to advance the academic understanding, original research and policy debate in respect of the efficient, effective and equitable conduct of financial accountability and management in 'governments, public services and charities'. FAM covers organisations largely insulated from market forces and operating without a profit-maximising or profit-distributing objective, and having social objectives not easily captured in purely financial performance-assessments. FAM seeks to be inter-disciplinary and welcomes insight from economics, political science, social and public administration, and management sciences, to meld with accounting and finance in improving the planning, monitoring and control of all types of not-for-profit organisations.

FAM is published quarterly and includes special issues based on a single theme or type of organisation, with invitation papers sometimes linked to a conference. The latest special issue focusses on Public Sector Risk (Vol.30, No.3, 2014). All published papers are chosen after double-blind refereeing. Topics covered, either for individual types of organisations or for not-for-profit organisations in general, include resource funding and allocation, planning and budgeting, cost measurement and control, performance measurement and evaluation, financial disclosure and reporting, audit, and issues of corporate governance and the linkages between financial and social accountability.

Author Guidelines

Manuscripts may be up to 8, 000 words in length, or occasionally longer, if justifiable. This word limit is inclusive of reference lists and the space equivalence taken up by illustrations, and typed in double-spacing. The title page should include the names, titles and institutional affiliations of the author(s) and also the complete correspondence address and email address of the designated author to whom decisions, proofs, reprint requests and readers' enquiries should be sent. More Author Guidelines can be found by visiting the Wiley website.


All manuscripts should be submitted online at ScholarOne Manuscripts. Manuscripts are considered on the understanding that they are original unpublished works not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts are double-blind peer reviewed by anonymous reviewers.

Financial Management
Financial Management
Understanding Financial Accountability & Management
Understanding Financial Accountability & Management
Enhancing Financial Management Ethics, Accountability, and
Enhancing Financial Management Ethics, Accountability, and
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